Saturday, September 11, 2010

Spicing It Up

Read from Republica>Page 11>Market Section Original Source

Friday, September 10, 2010

Price of dry fruits rises further


Prices of popular dry fruits have seen a hefty rise in the last nine months, thanks to supply constraints and high import price.

Jujubhai Shrestha, a wholesaler of dry fruits and spices at Makhantol, said prices of dry fruits such as black cardamom, dried grapes, cashew nut, date fruit, cardamom and pistachio have seen significant price rise over the period.

Price of dried grapes has increased to Rs 170 per kg from Rs 120. Similarly, black cardamom is selling for as much as Rs 3,000 kg, up from Rs 1,000 per kg recorded nine months ago. Cardamom is also selling higher at Rs 1,600 per kg from Rs 200 per kg. Prices of other dry fruits like cashew nut, pistachio, coconut and almond have increased in the range of Rs 60 to Rs 300 per kg, according to Shrestha.

“Dry fruits have become dearer in the domestic market due to soaring import costs and irregular supplies,” Shrestha said, adding that low domestic production and political instability were the other factors behind high price rise.

Nepal imports dry fruits from countries like US, India, China, Brazil, Pakistan and Iran, according to the traders.

“Dry fruits are expensive in the countries from where we import. Besides, custom charges and high transportation costs make them even costlier,” said Shiva Kuwar, a supplier of dry fruits based in Makhantol. He also said price of locally produced products like betel nuts is also high in the market because there is a great demand for betel nuts produced here.

Traders, however, said the demand for dry fruits has not come down despite high prices in the market. “The demand for dry fruits is growing because they are one of the most have commodities during festivals,” Shrestha added.

He further added that the demand will keep on increasing also because dry fruits are good for health. “Dry fruits like cashew nut, California nut, pistachio and dried grapes, among others are important for a healthy living. Demand for these fruits will keep on growing,” Shrestha added.

Published originally in Republica (2010-08-15 18:48:21) Read from original Source.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

एसओएस दिवस

विश्व एसओएस दिवसको अवसरमा आज काभ्रे एसऒएस बालग्रामले बिशेष कार्यक्रमको आयोजना ग�र् यो ।
कार्यक्रममा एसओएस बालग्रामले तयार पारेको बृत्तचित्र प्रदसन सांस्कृतिक नृत्य प्रदर्शन कविता वाचन भ्वाइलीन बादन प्रदशन लगायतका कार्यक्रमहरु प्रश्तुत गरिएको थियो ।
यसै अवसरमा सोहि बालग्रामकीे कक्षा आठमा अध्ययनरत छोरी कुसुम थापा�र् ारा रचित कविता संग्रह सुनौलो किरण साहित्यकार कृष्ण धारावासी�र् ारा लोकार्पण गरिएको थियो ।
कार्यक्रममाा साहित्यकार समाजसेवी लगायतको उपस्थित थियो ।

सडक बालबालिकासँग एक दिन

बनेपाको चारदोबाटोदेखि तीनदोबाटोसम्म यात्रा गर्दा धेरै खालका दृश्यहरु क्यामारामा कैद गरिसकेको थिएँ । करिब ५ सय मिटरको त्यो दूरीमा खिचिएका तस्बिरहरुमध्ये धेरैमा एउटै साझा कुरा पाएँ- सडक बालबालिका । कतै होटलमा भाँडा माझिरहेका त कतै बसको झ्यालबाट यात्रूहरुलाई सामान बच्दै गरेका । फोहोरको थुप्रोमा आफ्नो आहारा खोज्दै गरेका हुन् वा प्लास्टिकमा डेन्ड्राइट सुघ्दै गरेका । यी सबै तस्बिरमा मुख्य पात्र हुन आउने यी बालबालिकाहरु सडकमा आफ्नो भविष्य खोजिरहेका थिए ।

पारिवारिक समस्यबाट पिरोलिएर होस् वा सही मार्गनिर्देशन गरिदिने अभिभावक नभएर - अन्योलमा आफ्नो जीवन गुजारिरहेका यी बालबालिकालाई देख्दा लाग्छ भविष्यका कर्णधारहरु आज सडकमा टोलाइरहेका छन् । पेटको भोक टार्नकै लागि छलछाम र चोरीको पाठ सिकिरहेका छन् । सडकलाई नै यिनीहरुले आफ्नो घर स्वीकारेका छन् । खुला आकाश छानो अनि पर्खालरहित आँगन । असिमित मान्छेहरुको भीडमा पनि यिनीहरु अटेका छन् । शून्यताको गहिराईमा पनि यिनीहरु बाँचेका छन् । सडकले यिनीहरुलाई बाँच्ने साहस दिएको छ । अनि सडकले नै संघर्षको पाठ सिकाएको छ ।

विभिन्न बाधा अड्चनका बाबजुद पनि चलायमान रहने संघर्षका यि पाइलाहरुलाई बुझ्ने प्रयासमा म भोलिपल्ट पनि त्यसैगरी बनेपा पुगें । सडकमा भौतारिएर समय काटिरहेका यी बालबालिकाहरुलाई देख्दा उनीहरुको जीवनशैली र अवस्थाबारे जान्न मन लाग्यो । केहीछिन्को प्रयासपछि म साना दुई बालकहरु नजिक पुगें । जो बसका यात्रुहरुसँग पैसा मागिरहेका थिए । ती थिए राम र काँधमा उनको कान्छो भाइ अर्जुन । आफ्नो उमेरका अरु बालबालिकाहरु स्कुल जुदा उनीहरु भने सडकमा मागिरहेका थिए । अर्जुनको अनुहारमा अनौठो घाउ थियो । ुके भयो बाबु तिमीलाई ु- मैले सोधें । भाइको घाउले भरिएको हात उचाल्दै रामले भने-ुछाप्रोमा आगो लाग्दा पोलेको ।ु त्यो आलो घाउ बोकेको अर्जुनको अनुहारले मेरो मन पगाल्न कत्ति बेर लागेन । मैले उनीहरुलाई नजिकैको मेडिकलमा लगेर घाउ सफा गराई औषधि लगाइदिएँ ।
'तिमीलाई सबैभन्दा मनपर्ने खाना के हो' उनीहरु दुवैले एउटै शब्द उच्चारण गरे-'मोमो' । इच्छाअनुरुप पेटभरी मोमो खान पाएपछि खुशी व्यक्त गर्दै उनीहरुले मलाई आफ्नो छाप्रोतिर लगे । केही दिनअघि छाप्रोमा आगो लागेपछि आफूहरुको झन् बिचल्नी परेको बताउँदै राम र अर्जुनका बुबाले भने 'हामी कागज बटुल्ने काममा व्यस्त हुन्छौं । यिनीहरुलाई सरकारी स्कुलमा भर्ना त गरिदिएँ तर पढ्न जानै मान्दैनन् ।' अर्जुनकी एउटी दिदी र एक बहिनी पनि रहेछन् । गास बास र कपासको जोहो गर्नमै धौधौ पर्ने त्यो परिवारलाई बालबालिकाको स्थास्थ्य शिक्षा जस्ता आधारभूत अधिकारबारे सोच्नसम्म पनि प्राय असम्भव देखिन्थ्यो । हुन त केही संघसंस्थाहरुले यस्ता बालबालिकालाई पढ्ने अवसर दिए पनि कुलतमा फसिसकेका कारण उनीहरु पढाइ छाडेर भाग्ने गरेको तीनदोबाटोस्थित एक मेडिकलकी गंगा श्रेष्ठले बताइन् ।
त्यसपछि उनीहरु एउटा बोर्डिङ स्कुलको पछाडि रहेको खुला चउरतर्फ लागे । केही बेरमा उनीहरुका अरु छ जना साथीहरु पनि देखिए । अनि आफ्ना सबै पीडाहरु हासोले छोपेर उनीहरु रमाउन थाले ।
यो कथा राम र अर्जुनको मात्र होइन । देशका थुपै्र बालबालिकाहरु सडकमा आफ्नो जीवन गुजारिरहेका छन् । विद्यालय जानुपर्ने उमेरमा उनीहरु सडकमा खेलिरहेका छन् । मागिरहेका छन् । यस्ता बालबालिकाको यकिन तथ्यांक भने पाइँदैन । तर कुनै न कुनै रुपले यस्ता बालबालिकाहरु आफ्नो अधिकारबाट विाचत छन् । देशको राजधानी सहरमै यस्ता बालबालिकाहरु प्रशस्त देखिन्छन् । शिक्षा आर्जन गर्नुपर्ने समयमा आफ्नो छाक टार्नकै लागि एकातिर यिनीहरुमा माग्नुपर्ने बाध्यता छ भने अर्कातिर मागेको पैसा दुरुपयोग गरेर लागूऔषधको चपेटामा पर्ने क्रम बढ्दो छ । सडकमा यात्रा गर्नेहरुसमेत यस्ता बालबालिकाहरुबाट सास्ती खेप्नुपरेको बताउँछन् । काठमाडौं बालाजुका रबिन शाक्य भन्छन् ुहत्तारमा भएको बेला पछ्याएर दिक्क लगाउँछन् । छैन भन्दा मान्दैनन् अनि एक्कासी खुट्टा ढोग्न पो थाल्छन् ।ु उनीहरुको यस्तो कार्यले पर्यटकहरुलाई सताउने गर्दछ । सम्भव भएसम्म त जोकोहीले यस्ता बालबालिकाहरुमाथि दया गर्दछन् । तर यसरी माग्ने बालबालिकाहरुको बढ्दो संख्याले भने जोकोहीलाई एकपटक सोच्न बाध्य गराउँछ ।
गाँस बास र कपास सबैको नैसर्गिक अधिकार भएपनि उनीहरु यसबाट पनि विाचत छन् । आखिर उनीहरुको यो आवश्यकता पूरा गर्ने दायित्व कसको हो अभिभावक राज्य कि भाग्यको यति सोच्दै म उनीहरुबाट बिदा भएँ ।

Hisory of Mission Journalism in Nepal

Panchayat period is taken as the period marking the beginning of mission journalism. For the first time in the history of Nepal, the mission journalism was introduced during the period. Journalism during the period was divided into two missions: pro-panchayat and anti panchayat

Main objective of the pro-panchayat newspaper was to justify the necessity of the panchayat system whereas anti-panchayat newspaper came to front to advocate for democracy. Press freedom was not more in practice and many actions took place against press. There were two phases of journalism: Before Referendum (2017 to 2036 BS) and After Referendum (2036 to 2046BS).

Views oriented weekly newspapers were more popular at that time. Although there was no guarantee of civil rights and press freedom during the period, development of infrastructure was sped up in various sectors of press. Ministry of Communication was given autonomy. Earlier, other Ministries looked after the portfolio related to information and communication. News Agency was established as a government media and at the same time Press Council was founded on the initiative of government. The Tribhuvan University began teaching journalism education and press publication and media development took a professional turn. Nepal entered into the television era and radio was expanded outside Kathmandu.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Newsroom Operation

Before understanding the newsroom operation we need to understand what newsroom is. Newsroom generally refers to the place which is the powerhouse of all media institutions, some prefer to call it the main controlling unit, and others seek to understand it as the main commanding area of the press. They like to compare it to human brain box. Simply defined, the newsroom is the place where reporters and editors along with their technical and management staffs work for bringing out a media product.

The main function of newsroom varies in different ways.

Means, it is the place where the essential materials are available, assigning works, as well as gate keeping are done. In simple words newsroom is the office which is directed towards production of news before publishing/broadcasting.

It depends upon different media houses about how the newsroom is operated. Economical investment and the condition of manpower should be carried in it. Any publication house either that is print or broadcasting, without effective management of the newsroom, media house cannot achieve its successes and proceed ahead. For the regular and well conducting of the newsroom it is necessary to obey special rules and disciplines.
In most of the publication houses, newsroom usually refers to the editorial department. In a news-structure mainly there are three branches. They are Reporting Section, Editing Section, and Specialized Sections like (sports, political, economic, current affairs, article section, etc.).

Thus, for conducting newsroom efficiently, news editor and sub-editor work under the editor or chief editor. All staffs of newsroom are busy in editing and rewriting of the news. Reporter, sub-editor, and news editor of each branch is co-coordinates with each other. The work of each news evaluation is also done in this branch.

An editor has to play the role of manager in the newsroom. He is the leader of the newsroom. He has to take the responsibility of any obstacle and he also gets praisings of success at times. Like him, there are also other chiefs in a publication house. Marketing manager, administration chief, distribution chief, production chief are those chiefs who work as a chief of their own department. But the responsibility of editing department is totally different from any other departments.

Chief Editor of the newsroom is directly responsible to publisher or managing director ain a publication house. If there is more pressure of publisher, managing director or executive director upon newsroom, the news of newspaper, radio or television may be less commercial because they are concern more concerned in business than in services. In print media, from the action of news collection to press, all phase and process are the work of newsroom. In fact this is the main part of journalism. Later, other departments are developed in the case of newsroom.

In the broadcasting media, newsroom only produces the programs which are related with news. It searches the news and also analyzes it. The newsroom should be understood under the criteria and the code of conduct of journalism. In print media these following branch are mainly involved in the newsroom processing:

  • Article/Opinion Section
  • Copy editing Section
  • Reporting Section
  • Photography Section
  • Technical Section
  • Other sub-branches also assist these main branches in the news room processing.
    For the any newsroom the ideas or planning of proper management, planning of budget, manpower selection, appropriate direction etc have the effects upon the newsroom operation.

Newsroom structure of Nepali Media

Q. Describe the general newsroom structure of Nepali Newspapers.

Ans: A newsroom is the place where journalists-reporters, editors and producers along with other staffers—work to gather news to be published in a newspapers or magazine or broadcast on television, cable or radio. Some journalism organizations refers to the newsroom as the city room.

Newsroom is the powerhouse of all media institutions, some prefer to call it the main controlling unit, and others seek to understand it as the main commanding area of the press. They like to compare it to human brain box. Simply defined, the newsroom is the place where reporters and editors along with their technical and management staffs work for bringing out a media product.

The main function of newsroom varies in different ways.

However, the concept of division of labour and technological revolution, the function of the newsroom have also undergone change overtime. It is sometimes said that “the publishers were printers first, editors second and reporters not at all.” In almost all newspaper newsrooms, editors customarily meet daily with the chief editor to discuss which stories will be placed on the front page, section front pages, and other pages. This is commonly called a "budget meeting" due to the fact that the main topic of the meeting is the budgeting or allocation of space in the next issue.

Also today, newsroom management is an important part of media organizations. In oder to perform smoothly, competitively and in a more professional manner certain structures are drawn in newsroom management. Here, let is understand newsroom structures under two main types:

Horizontal Newsroom Structure: This type of newsroom structure explains the authority and power distributed equally to the chiefs of every sections or beats of news. The newsroom consists of chief editor to reporters like in commonly understood newsroom but their position or the structure of newsroom varies. Mostly chief editor remains at the top and other editors or chiefs of sections or beats remain parallel to each other. Sub editors or reporters assigned to work for the relat

ed field or beat work under the supervision of those chiefs. In this case there is more interaction between chief and reporters of the same beat of sections as they have direct access to each other. The newsroom structure of Nagarik National Daily can be viewed as an example of horizontal newsroom structure. The gate-keeping process doesn't necessarily pass through all the members of the newsroom, rather it is limited to the staffs of the related field or beat only.

Vertical Newsroom structure: This type of newsroom explains the authority or the power

distributed vertically i.e. like an inverted pyramid. The chief editor remains at the top and the reporter and

stingers remain at the bottom. The every news related to every sections or beats are passed through every steps of hierarchy. Editors work under the supervision of chief editor while sub-editors work under the command of editors. Sub-editors supervise copy-editors and reporters. This is such a chain of relations between the staffs of newsroom that a reporter directly meet the editor. The news structure is depicted in the newsroom management of Kantipur National Daily and other several newspapers.

Thus, the newsroom structures of Nepali newspapers are changing with the advancement in journalism and mass communication process. Competition between the media houses have made them manage their newsroom in such an effective way that they try to stand themselves different from others. However, in most of the media outside the capital city and even most of them within the city still have traditional vertical structure of newsroom.



  • Kafle Kapil, Patrakarita dot Khoj,2062, 119